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Integrating Inventory Base with Alto
Integrating Inventory Base with Alto

Experience the seamless integration of Inventory Base and Alto, simplifying the property management processes for efficient reporting.

Adelle Naidoo avatar
Written by Adelle Naidoo
Updated over a week ago

The integration between Alto and Inventory Base streamlines property management by allowing users to sync property data seamlessly. This integration ensures that property information is up-to-date across both platforms, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual data entry. Users can now manage their properties more effectively with synchronised data and improved workflow.

Alto to Inventory Base:

  • Import properties to create/update corresponding properties on Inventory Base

  • Import appointments from selected Negotiators to create/update inspections on Inventory Base

  • Periodically import negotiators for inspection management

  • Sync contact(s) information including email address and phone number

Inventory Base to Alto:

  • Sync Inventory Base report PDF back to Alto as property documents

Linking Alto to your Inventory Base account

1. Navigate to your Settings tab at the top of your online dashboard >> click on Integrations:

2. Scroll down the list to the Alto integration and click on the blue Connect Alto:

3. Follow the prompts from the pop-up box to connect from your Alto

Marketplace page:

4. Once you have connected your Alto account to your Inventory Base account, you will see the below settings options under the Alto integration:

Syncing your properties from Alto into Inventory Base

1. Click on the Manage property filters tab under the Alto settings:

2. Select (tick) the data you want to pull through from Alto into InventoryBase:

  • Property Categories

  • Property Statuses

  • Management Types

Once you have ticked/unticked your preference, you can Close the box (your selected preferences will auto save).

3. Click on the green Sync Properties to pull through your properties from Alto into Inventory Base.

The system will begin the sync of your properties:

πŸ’‘ Ensure that the property address(es) match exactly on both the Inventory Base side and the Alto side to avoid duplication.

When you sync your properties from Alto into Inventory Base, our online dashboard will attempt to match any existing properties on your account with the properties you are syncing from Alto.

The address(es) from Alto has to match exactly in order for the property on the Inventory Base side to be updated.

If the Inventory Base system cannot match the incoming address to an existing property, it will create a new property.

4. Once the property sync is complete, you will see this information pop-up:

Setting up your appointment types

1. Click on the Manage appointment entry types under the settings of the Alto integration:

2. Assign the corresponding inspection types from your Inventory Base account to the relevant Alto appointment types:

3. Click on the dropdown list under the relevant appointment type and select the corresponding inspection type from your list:

4. Once you have set the relevant corresponding inspection types to your Alto appointment types, click on the green Sync appointment entry types:

❗ Only appointments matching your configured appointment entry types will be imported as Inventory Base inspections.

Managing your negotiators' appointments

Only appointments from your selected negotiators will be imported as InventoryBase inspections.

1. Click on the Manage negotiators under the settings of the Alto integration:

2. Press on the green Sync negotiators to update the list. You will see the green Negotiators synced successfully when this is complete:

3. Tick the relevant Negotiators that you want appointments to sync through for. You can Close the box (your selected preferences will auto save.)

Syncing your appointments from Alto into Inventory Base

1. Click on the Sync inspections tab under the Alto settings:

2. The Inventory Base system will then begin importing appointments/inspections from your Alto account.

Once the import is complete, you will see the below banner informing you that the import is successful. The system will inform you of new inspections created and updated.

πŸ’‘ Inspections / appointments will only import into Inventory Base when the property filters, appointment entry types and negotiators settings have been updated accordingly.

3. Once a property and its relevant appointments have been created/synced from Alto, you will see this listed on your Inventory Base account:

Syncing the PDF report to Alto

1. Under the Alto settings on the Integrations page, toggle the Upload Report Deliverable to On:

2. Proceed with conducting and completing the inspection report.

πŸ’‘ Want to simplify the process even further? Link each inspection type to a specific template; this means that each time your inspection is created, your desired template will be applied automatically.

3. Mark the inspection as Complete on the online dashboard.

The Inventory Base system automatically syncs a copy of the PDF report to the property on Alto when you mark the inspection as complete.

4. On your Alto account >> navigate to the property >> click on the Documents tab for this property:

5. You will see the PDF copy of the inspection report listed:

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