Templates allow you to setup custom pre-filled reports in the template editor but you may want to create a template from an inspection you've already done, or are in the process of doing.
If the inspection is active or in review
Click on Edit Report, navigate to the "template" dropdown at the bottom of the editor and select "Save as template".
If the inspection is complete or closed
On the inspection info screen, click the dropdown arrow next to "Complete Inspection" or "Close Inspection" and choose "Save Report as Template"
Creation Settings
You will then be presented with three options for your template:
Title: This is the title the template with be saved as
Keep Descriptions: If you would like to have the descriptions as part of the template, turn this setting on
Keep Conditions: If you would like to have the conditions as part of the template, turn this setting on
Navigate to Manage > Templates to see your newly created template: