Download the following spreadsheet to match with our column headings:
You can also use your own CSV, however your CSV might have different column names to what our system can understand. Therefore once uploaded, you can use the heading selectors to tell us what kind of data is contained by the columns in your CSV.
To begin, head over to the Team tab and click on Import from the Add New User drop down menu
This will take you to the following screen where you can upload your CSV spreadsheet of users. There is also guidance on this page regarding what to include in your columns.
Once uploaded, you will be able to preview your user list before confirming
If the columns are not in the correct order, or the headings are not correct, you can change the column heading from the drop down arrows
Once you are happy with your uesr list, select Confirm
InventoryBase will notify you once the import is successful
Click on the Team tab to view your new uploaded clerks